I pray all of you are doing well! First allow me to apologize for my lack of communication the last few months. We are back on track now and will be posting our newsletters on the blog so that even our Spanish speakers can review the news taking place at Antioch

Since the last time I have written many things have taken place.
The greatest is that many people have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and lives are being transformed! Praise the Lord for His love and grace!
So much of what God is doing is because we were led last June to begin translating our services. Through that decision, Antioch has been blessed with many Spanish speakers joining us as we worship Jesus and serve our community. God in His grace and provision is putting an amazing team and family together. As the pastor of Antioch I feel blessed to lead such an incredible group of people! Over the last few months I have experienced my first wedding and sadly my first funeral. Our youth are meeting every Monday night and it truly is a blessing to have the opportunity to minister to them. Please keep our young people in your prayers! So many of them have a great desire to follow Christ but as we know the enemy is real and wants to trip them up.


On November 8th during our worship service we will be baptizing those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord.


Needless to say I am overly excited for this day! If you have accepted Jesus as Lord and have not followed through with Baptism, please see Pastor Scott.

I am sad to announce that we will not be hosting our annual Antioch Thanksgiving dinner this year. Because of the size of our congregation, our building size and our resources, we are not capable of meeting the need. But I do encourage all of you that are a part of Antioch to come together in smaller groups to celebrate God’s blessing in your life! Tammy and I have been so incredibly blessed this year by all of your prayers, love and support, thank you!

We are planning an ongoing outreach to Alma (Elderly Care-home). Please be watching for details in the near future. Antioch will be having our Christmas Eve service on December 24th. We are praying about having two services this evening. We will be giving specific details during our Sunday worship services.

It is hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close. Where does the time go? With that said I am reminded of the verse:
Ephesians 5:15-16 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.
It is October 21st as I write this letter, therefore we have 51 days left of this year. How will you make the best of these days? How will you enjoy God’s grace and extend His glory? God in His love sent Jesus Christ to die for you! So that you would be forgiven and free having the opportunity to serve Him and others. I pray that you will spend your time wisely in all you do, bringing glory to the King of Kings!

Thanks again for all of your prayers, love and support.  Many of you through personal conversations have asked me what we may need. Tammy and I are in need of a new vehicle. Because of our growing congregation and youth group, I would like to purchase a Nissan 15 passenger van. This van will be used for our personal use as well as the church needs. If you feel led to give a special gift to this need you can do this two ways. During our offering time at church or visit GCM and give to Tammy and Scott. Please mark your gift church van. May God richly bless all of you!
Pastor Scott


Our website has all of our UP-TO-DATE activities posted on the front page. If you are looking for a particular event for the week they are posted here weekly with times and extra notes. We encourage you to pop on by the website for all your updates. Also, if you are on Facebook, I encourage you to visit our page and “Like” for updates. Here is the link to our Antioch Facebook We post a lot of pictures here of our happenings around Antioch.


We now have a prayer page on the website. Since our congregation has grown, we cannot take prayer requests during the Sunday service. Pastor Scott is now taking two important topics to pray for on Sunday mornings. If you have an urgent request, please email that to us and we will send it out. We would really like you to begin posting requests to the prayer page and others can pray for your request too. Please stop on over and visit the Prayer requests page


Our 2016 Antioch directory will be coming out January. If you are not in the current directory, please email us at: with your current information (Name, address, telephones, emails and birthday’s of all family members; and if you have a business or ministry you would like to add with your website if you have one). If you are new to our church and would like a current PDF copy for your file, please email Tammy and she will get that information to you. In order for all our information to be correct, we would like all information emailed so that we send out correct information to everyone. Also, we would like to add a “Birthday section” this year. If you would like your birthday added, please send that information to us. It’s nice to encourage one another during a birthday celebration.

Categories: NEWS