A word that can spark incredible emotions and conversation. Even the very definition of marriage is constantly being challenged and talked about. If you were to ask 100 people what their thoughts of marriage were you would likely receive many different responses. I believe, marriage is the most difficult relationship to maintain. Seriously, two different people, with different opinions, backgrounds, desires, dreams, etc., they enter into a relationship and need to make it work for better or for worse. But, I also believe that in the plan, purpose and will of God, this is where we learn how to love. Yes, a Christlike, unconditional, selfless love! It can truly become the greatest blessing or the worse curse, depending on YOU! OUCH! That statement stings a little bit, but it is true. I can almost hear your response, Pastor, “you do not know my spouse.” You may be right about that, but I do know what God tells us in scripture concerning husbands and wives. When we choose God’s design for marriage, it works. Our marriages will never be perfect but they can be blessed and good.
On Friday May 15th, at 8:00pm, Antioch will be showing “The Song” and will follow with a six week sermon series.”The Song” movie and sermon series is a candid exploration of God’s plan for relationships, love and marriage. With straightforward Bible teaching through the book of the Song of Solomon. “The Song” addresses real-world relationship issues like dating and romance, intimacy, conflict, restoration and cultivating true commitment. This is a teaching that everyone can gain insight and wisdom from concerning marriage and relationships. I hope that you will set aside the time to come and participate. Our Wednesday evening Bible studies will also be based upon this teaching in correspondence to Sunday’s message. This will be a wonderful opportunity to openly discuss this challenging topic. Please be sure to invite your friends, family and neighbors. The movie is free to watch. We will be selling snacks and drinks to help support our youth group. See you Friday May 15th at 8:00pm. We will be showing the movie at our church #52 Jacarandas La Lejona.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Moms a beautiful, blessed Mother’s day. Thank you for all of the love, time and effort you put into raising one of the greatest gifts on earth, your children. I pray that God will continue to give you grace and strength to remain faithful in this great work.
Please continue to pray for Antioch, Tammy and I. Thank you for your financial support and all of your prayers for this ministry. God is awesome and we are blessed to experience His incredible presence, power and provision. God bless all as you walk in His Truth and Grace!
Pastor, Scott
On April 6th, I left with nine young men into the wilderness of Pubela for three days. During these three days I encouraged each camper to bring what he thought he would need to survive for three days. It is funny to see what each person thinks they need to survive, including myself. Our goal for the three days was to build relationships and community within our group. I cannot even convey how proud I am of these young men. I watched these guys come alongside one another on many occasions helping, teaching and encouraging each other.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: Wednesday evenings at 6:30 at the church. Jaracandas 52 La Lejonia
Potluck bible study: May 13th at 5:30 here at the church. Please bring a dish to share with the group,
Women’s Spanish bible study: Monday evenings at 6:00pm. Please contact Rocio Salinas or Sylvia Guadarrama for more information. (415) 120-0993. Circuito El Secreto 47
Youth group: Monday evenings at 6:00pm. We meet at the church, Jacarandas 52. For ages 13 and up.
Women’s Potluck brunch: Saturday May 16th at 11:00am. Pam Breyer is hosting this month. Please sign-up on the information table. Her information: Calle Guadiana 7-A, Col. Guadiana – 415-152-0405
Prayer Walk: Thursday, May 21st at 5:00pm. We will meet at the Jardin in the Centro.
Movie night: “The Song” Friday, May 15th at 8:00pm. It is free to all. Invite your friends, families and neighbors. Our youth will be selling snacks as a fundraiser.
Men’s breakfast: Every Friday morning 9:00am at Café Monet — Zacateros 83.
Our April ladies brunch was the biggest ever attended brunch. We had over 32 ladies present at the brunch.
Brandy encouraged our hearts with a testimony and the Word of God. If you are not attending the brunches we would love for you to fellowship with us.
For any lady wanting to host a brunch please see Tammy Provins for details. Here is some updated information for future brunches:
*The church is availabe at anytime for you to host.
*If you would like to co-host with another lady and share in the responsibilities for the day, this would be welcomed. Some ladies have the space to host but wouldn’t want to do the devotion or prayer time. You could share in the responsibilities.
*We will now have a sign-up sheet on the information table at the beginning of the month. The host’s information will be in the bulletin and on the sign-up sheet. Please sign-up as soon as possible so the host can prepare for us.
Looking forward to a beautiful time of fellowship in the coming months.
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