We have a vision for a church…
- that is not normal. A church not caught up by the world, but changing it. Not led by man and his ideas, but Spirit–filled and led by the wisdom, power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
- unified and empowered by the Spirit of God, focused on leading others into a relationship with Jesus and teaching them to love Him and serve Him.
- that cries out to God for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. That seeks His face and His direction, rather than doing our own thing and asking Him to bless it.
We have a vision for a people…
- being freed from negative influences, impossible situations and weak, faithless religion.
- not just acting out worship in a church service but living out worship in everyday life.
- in love with God in such a radical, authentic way that people are naturally drawn in.
We have a vision for a community…
- where you can come as you are, but you don’t leave the way you came.
- where believers partner together to accomplish Kingdom purposes.