Happy New Year to my family and friends! I hope that you all have experienced a wonderful holiday season. Tammy and I spent the holidays here in San Miguel with our precious church family. It was awesome seeing the festive celebrations on Facebook from all of you that were gone and those that live in the US, It helped us stay connected to many of and for that we are thankful.
The last couple of months of dealing with the elections has created some stressful and fearful moments. So many people are extremely nervous walking into the future. I am personally excited for this upcoming year. I believe God is going to do some incredible things. Honestly, it is only January 18th as I write this, and I have already seen our God do miracles.
God in His Truth and Grace has saved seven beautiful souls at Antioch at the start of 2017. I shared with our congregation last week, that many times I hear this question, “Why don’t we see God’s miracles like they use to in biblical times?” I responded, God is always doing miracles. Every person who gives their life to Christ is a miracle. Doctors can prescribe medicine to heal, surgeries can be given to help people see, even organs can be given to save lives; but only God can transform the human heart, only God can redeem the human soul!
As I write this letter, I am on my 11th day of fasting. Emptying myself out to be filled with my Lord and Savior. I cannot nor do I want to lead Antioch without a fresh anointing upon my life, I need Jesus!! So far during my fast, God has convicted me (personally) of a few things I need to get right to receive that fresh anointing. But He has also given me a vision for our Antioch family this coming year. As I read, study and mediate on His word, a couple of verses continue to scream out at me:
Romans 7:25– Thank God! The answer is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
This was written after the apostle Paul shared his struggle with sin. But, I challenge you to take this truth into every area of your life this year! Is Christ your answer? Is He enough regardless of what your circumstances may look like? Take a moment and really meditate on this question. The second section of scripture that has been on my heart has become Antioch’s theme verse for 2017:
Galatians 5:13-14 — For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.
This has become a very powerful verse in my life for two reasons. One, living in freedom reminds me of what Christ has done for me. It connects me with my true identity in Christ! Folks, this is not a suggestion it is a commandment. If I am going to be like my Savior Jesus, than I must be willing to get out of myself and serve others. So, at Antioch this coming year, we are going to make this our goal, to serve one another in love! I believe by doing so, this community will see our God, the one and only True, Living God! Will you join us in serving the Lord where ever you may be the hands, feet and voice of Christ to those around you? I know if we live like this throughout this year, our communities will be impacted and people will come to know the Father’s Love!
In closing, I cannot ever say thank you enough to all of you who give, pray and support Tammy, I and Antioch church here in San Miguel. I say this all the time, without you we could not be serving the Lord here. Listen, you have no idea how true that statement is. For those of you who support us here in Mexico, thank you! For those of you who support us from afar, thank you! We have seen lives changed and transformed and every person who gives their life to Christ is a direct result of all of you and your willingness to partner with us here in Mexico. May God continue to bless and keep you! May His face shine down upon you and your families! I pray all of you have an incredible, blessed New Year! We love you!
Pastor Scott and Tammy
Joshua is our new Music Leader at Antioch. Joshua loves the Lord and he uses his gifts and talents to lift up the name of the Lord in his own life and during our Worship service on Sunday mornings. We have been so blessed to have this young man leading us to the heart of God every Sunday morning. Joshua lives in San Miguel and he works at Bereshit Christian school. When you hang around Joshua for very long, one thing is very evident in his life, he loves Jesus! When you get a chance, welcome this young man to our Family.
The best way to keep up with the events and happenings throughout the week is to pick up a bulletin at the Sunday service, visit our Website or connect to our Facebook page.
Facebook Page – Don’t forget to
“LIKE” our page to receive updates.
There are a lot of events and studies going on. Come and connect with our family!
It’s that time again — we will be updating our DIRECTORY.
Our church Email: antiochsma@gmail.com
If your information has changed from last year, please send us the updated information to our church email to Tammy Provins.
If you have never been apart of the directory, please email the following information to Tammy Provins: Name (first/last), address, telephone, cell, email address.
If you have a business or ministry you would like added to the directory, please email your name of business, email, telephone and website if you have one.
Please submit your information soon so we can have this information out to everyone in our church family.
On the information table at church is a prayer box for your requests. Please fill out your requests and submit them. Also, if you can’t make it to a service and need prayer, please email us the information and we will see to it that your requests are being lifted to the Lord.
Communion – The Lord’s Supper
![Image result for Communion service](https://youthministry.com/wp-content/upload/ymprod/Communion-Full.jpg)
Some changes will be taking place over the next month during our communion time on Sunday mornings. Since we are growing (which is a wonderful thing) we need space for more chairs. In order to have more chairs we will have to eliminate getting out of our seats and going up for the communion. We will have our ushers passing around the elements during this time. It may take some time getting used to the new way, but we believe that the new direction will be a blessing.
![Image result for Smiley face](http://www.clipartkid.com/images/0/smiley-face-clip-art-dr-odd-uWlQ3w-clipart.jpg)
How about those ushers that are helping on Sunday mornings! Thank you to everyone who helps! We appreciate your service to our Antioch family!
Categories: NEWS