Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trust in Him!
These are the words of King David in Psalm 34 during a difficult, seemingly impossible situation. But this proclamation reveals the heart of this godly man and his trust in God even when everything else seems to be falling a part. God truly is GOOD, not because of everything He does but because of who He is! Living in this world we are confronted with many challenges but when we put our trust in the One True Living God our problems will not disappear but we will receive supernatural help. We then can join David and declare “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is Good!” You will be blessed.
This coming holiday season I want to encourage you to not get caught up in celebrating Christmas but “Celebrating Christ.” As we know, the culture has taken the focus off of Christ and placed it on goodwill and good deeds. It is so easy to get focused on the glitter and glamour of the season that we miss the purpose, God’s love for mankind and His desire to reconcile man to Himself. Sending Jesus as a baby with the sole purpose to die on a cross that those who believe will live eternally. On December 24th Antioch will gather to Celebrate Jesus. I hope that you will join us and together we will taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!
I would like to thank all of you that helped make our Thanksgiving celebration such a huge success. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing the love of Jesus with one-another. I am sure that those who visited with us felt His love and acceptance! All praise goes to our awesome Father in heaven. I would also like to thank all of you who continue to pray for the ministry here in San Miguel de Allende. God is truly blessing our congregation and community. Please continue to pray as we reach out to those who do not know the love of Jesus. Thank you for your financial partnership as we would not be here in San Miguel without you! May the Lord’s work continue to prosper and be lives transformed. God bless you, thank you once again!
Free in Him,
Pastor Scott
Fasting 2015
Does God really want you to deny yourself of food?
To go a day, three days, 21 days or even 40 days without eating? What does it mean to fast, not just to starve yourself, but to honor the Lord while fasting? How many different fasts are in the Bible? What will we accomplished through a biblical fast? So many questions are asked concerning this one spiritual discipline. Jesus clearly taught in Matthew 6:16 “when you fast” Notice He does not say if you fast, but when you fast. Jesus was assuming and expecting those who followed Him to fast.
On January 10, 2015 I will lead Antioch in a 21 Day Fast. There are different types of fasts throughout the Bible and different reasons the people fasted. I will be doing a 2 to 3 hour seminar on January 4, 2015, Sunday night. It will begin at 5:00 with a question and answer time at the end. I have been asked many questions concerning fasting. I am not an expert, but the Lord has lead me to fast shortly after being saved. I have never made a major decision without seeking God through fasting and prayer. The Lord always prevails!
The class will be in English and Spanish I hope you will decide to join us.
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