A Word From Pastor Scott…

Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10

A few evenings ago, I had the opportunity to gather with a group of friends for dinner and fellowship. I was reminded how important it is to communicate and connect with one another. Many of you know that unless we are face to face I personally don’t communicate or stay in touch well. I want to apologize for my lack of discipline in this area. I love all of you and want to thank you for your willingness to pray and support Tammy and I as we continue God’s work here in San Miguel.


Baptism service

On Sunday, October 2nd, we will have a Baptism Service at church. If you have accepted Christ and want to be Baptized, please see Pastor Scott. We thought it would be fun to have a “Potluck Baptism Service” that day. Their will be a sign-up sheet as the time nears on the information table as to what dishes to bring. This is a beautiful way that our church family can connect, fellowship together and witness others taking that step of obidence towards their relationship with Jesus Christ. Join us!



Our FACEBOOK PAGE – ANTIOCH CHURCH gets updated on a daily basis. Stop on over and see all the pictures and events going on. There is to much to post here on the newsletter. Please click on the “LIKE” button in the banner area to receive our updates.

Also, our website – ANTIOCH CHURCH, has all the weekly happenings posted on the front page. If you miss a Sunday and want to listen to the sermon it is posted there too.

Anytime you have questions or concerns you may email us at: or Scott’s email at:

Our next Newsletter will go out in November 2016! If you have any news you would like to submit please send the information to our Antioch email!

Blessings to you all!